Senin, 03 Mei 2010


sudah 3 hari ini Dykta bintitan...hiks. curiga neh kena dari sapa *huhuhu*
berdasarkan yang saya pelajari bintitan karena gak bersih aja dan juga bisa ketularan dari orang.
treatmentnya bisa dikompres air hangad untuk ngurangin sakid. ini yang susah, lah wong dikompres aja nangis-nangis kayak mau dimarahin aja *wew* tapi kalo seminggu belum ilang kudu ketemu dokter neh ... hmmm ... hmmm ...
semoga sebelum seminggu udah kempes dan ilang yaa bintitnya...

ceped sembuh ya nak!

dapet dari mayoclinic


By Mayo Clinic staff


Photograph showing a sty Sty

A sty (hordeolum) is a red, painful lump near the edge of your eyelid that may look like a boil or a pimple. Usually a sty is filled with pus. A sty most commonly forms on the outside of your eyelid, but sometimes a sty can form on the inner part of your eyelid.

In most cases, a sty will disappear on its own in a few days to a week. In the meantime, you may be able to relieve the pain or discomfort of a sty by applying a warm washcloth to your eyelid.

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